
Chess South Africa Ratings Database

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Tournament information

Tournament id: 20241416
Group id: 20241412
Tournament: Bojanala Circuit Championship 2 of 4 2024
Section: U16
Format: Round-Robin
Rating: Standard
Rounds: 5
Start: 2024/06/15
Ended: 2024/06/15
Received: 2024/06/15
Rated: 2024/06/15
Submitted by: Lincohn September
Host: Bojanala Platina (NBR)
Chief Arbiter: Lincohn September
Chief Organiser: Bojanala Chess Federation
Location: Genville High School, Rustenburg
International event: No
FIDE rated: No
Time control: 55:55+5sipm
Total time: 60 minutes
Weight: 0.83
Players on file: 15
Players playing: 15
Average rating (Main): 1419.5
Average rating (Standard): 1415.8
Rated: Yes (OK)
Tournament file: RSA_Export_NBR_Bojanala Circuit Championship 2 of 4_U16_202406151943
Rating progress: Processed
Offical results: Official results
#Chess SA idNameAgeGTitleRatingRegionGmsScr%DpAorPratRankPos
1 1100099556 Bantseke, B (Boikanyo) U16 1427.6 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1550.4 1805.4 8 3
2 1110136394 Botha, J (Johannes Cornelis) U16 1682.2 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 1.0 25.0 -212.5 1394.3 1181.8 1 11
3 1090131247 Changara, A (Adrian Tafara) U18 1496.6 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1395.6 1310.6 7 9
4 1100144057 Dikane, O (Oageng) U16 1534.9 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1387.0 1642.0 4 1
5 1090135619 Dikobe, GK (Goabaone Khumo) U18 1598.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1430.2 1600.2 2 4
6 209083775 Fourie, M (Marli) U18 1326.9 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1310.0 1225.0 11 14
7 210087760 Jansen Van Vuuren, L (Lourein) U16 1179.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 1.0 25.0 -212.5 1434.7 1222.2 15 13
8 109075163 Letupu, L (Lemogang) U18 1547.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1415.4 1585.4 3 5
9 2090148725 Mokoena, T (Thato) U18 1238.3 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 1.0 25.0 -212.5 1425.4 1212.9 13 12
10 2120136396 Monamatha, D (Diteboho) U14 1344.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1494.4 1409.4 10 10
11 2120115959 Mungal, Z (Zoey) U14 1510.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1498.7 1753.7 6 2
12 1090143716 Nel, J (J-Louwen) U18 1399.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1379.0 1464.0 9 6
13 1100136765 Ramaboa, T (Thando) U16 1294.6 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 0.0 0.0 -425.0 1440.7 1015.7 12 15
14 1110140059 Tshetlhe, B (Blessing) U16 1515.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1356.2 1441.2 5 7
15 1100157690 Tshidi, T (Tshegofatso) U16 1196.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 1.0 25.0 -212.5 1501.8 1289.3 14 8
#Chess SA idArbiterRegionTitleStatus
1 1760134202 September, L (Lincohn) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Chief Arbiter
2 2770301983 Kruger, J (Jeanette) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Deputy Chief Arbiter
3 2850301984 Myburgh, J (Jacqui) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Arbiter
11100144057Dikane, O (Oageng) 1534.94.0B+14W-8B+6W+7B+9
22120115959Mungal, Z (Zoey) 1510.54.0B+12W=5B+11B+4W=3
31100099556Bantseke, B (Boikanyo) 1427.64.0B+11W+7B=5W+9B=2
41090135619Dikobe, GK (Goabaone Khumo) 1598.03.5B+6W+9B+8W-2B=5
5109075163Letupu, L (Lemogang) 1547.53.5W+10B=2W=3B+8W=4
61090143716Nel, J (J-Louwen) 1399.83.0W-4B+13W-1B+12W+10
71110140059Tshetlhe, B (Blessing) 1515.43.0W+15B-3W+10B-1W+13
81100157690Tshidi, T (Tshegofatso) 1196.41.0+BYEB+1W-4W-5B-14
91090131247Changara, A (Adrian Tafara) 1496.62.0W+13B-4W+12B-3W-1
102120136396Monamatha, D (Diteboho) 1344.52.0B-5W+14B-7W+11B-6
111110136394Botha, J (Johannes Cornelis) 1682.21.0W-3B+15W-2B-10+BYE
122090148725Mokoena, T (Thato) 1238.31.0W-2+BYEB-9W-6B+15
13210087760Jansen Van Vuuren, L (Lourein) 1179.41.0B-9W-6+BYEW+14B-7
14209083775Fourie, M (Marli) 1326.92.0W-1B-10W+15B-13W+8
151100136765Ramaboa, T (Thando) 1294.60.0B-7W-11B-14+BYEW-12