
Chess South Africa Ratings Database

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Tournament information

Tournament id: 20242694
Group id: 20242689
Tournament: Bojanala's Battle of Mount Cambridge 2024
Section: Rooks
Format: Swiss
Rating: Standard
Rounds: 5
Start: 2024/10/05
Ended: 2024/10/05
Received: 2024/10/06
Rated: 2024/10/10
Submitted by: Jacqui Myburgh
Host: Bojanala Platina (NBR)
Chief Arbiter: Jacqui Myburgh
Chief Organiser: Bojanala Chess Federation
Location: Mountain Cambridge School, Hartbeespoort
International event: No
FIDE rated: No
Time control: 55:55+5
Total time: 60 minutes
Weight: 0.83
Players on file: 24
Players playing: 24
Average rating (Main): 1404.6
Average rating (Standard): 1401.5
Rated: Yes (OK)
Tournament file: RSA_Export_NBR_Bojanala's Battle Of Mount Cambridge_ROOKS_202410060630
Rating progress: Processed
Offical results: Official results
#Chess SA idNameAgeGTitleRatingRegionGmsScr%DpAorPratRankPos
1 2140149175 Boshoff, M (Milah) U12 1465.8 Tshwane (GTP) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1422.7 1337.7 9 19
2 1040143720 Bunya, J (Jeff) Adult 1232.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1444.8 1529.8 23 6
3 1110131242 Changara, A (Adiel Tavonga) U16 1451.7 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1353.3 1608.3 11 3
4 1090131247 Changara, A (Adrian Tafara) U18 1554.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1371.3 1371.3 3 16
5 1130131229 Changara, A (Alvern Takura) U14 1554.7 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1425.9 1510.9 2 8
6 1130131230 Changara, A (Alvis Tafadzwa) U14 1542.7 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1396.6 1481.6 4 7
7 1760115395 Felix, A (Antonysamy) Adult 1282.5 Tshwane (GTP) 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1421.3 1166.3 21 21
8 107086443 Felix, H (Harrison) U20 1333.1 Johannesburg Metro (GJM) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1424.8 1424.8 16 15
9 1760162286 Iman, S (Steven) Adult 1296.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 1.0 25.0 -212.5 1439.1 1226.6 19 22
10 1740310877 John, C (Costa) Adult 1221.2 Johannesburg Metro (GJM) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1434.0 1519.0 24 10
11 1120144242 Matima, T (Tshimologo) U14 1448.2 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1368.7 1368.7 12 12
12 2120136396 Monamatha, D (Diteboho) U14 1437.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1465.7 1550.7 13 9
13 2110136768 Monare, O (Oratilwe) U16 1366.2 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 0.0 0.0 -425.0 1329.1 904.1 15 24
14 108087734 Mostert, GS (Gideon Smit) U18 1456.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1378.9 1378.9 10 13
15 1140144042 Motau, N (Neelo) U12 1483.2 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1337.5 1337.5 5 11
16 1840115397 Mungal, S (Shane) Adult 1252.3 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1446.0 1446.0 22 14
17 1100117896 Myburgh, Z (Zandre) U16 1483.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 5.0 100.0 425.0 1401.2 1826.2 6 1
18 1120111297 Obrien, P (Patrick) U14 1301.1 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1456.8 1201.8 18 20
19 1120117881 Potgieter, R (Reinhardt) U14 1403.6 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1378.2 1123.2 14 23
20 1100136765 Ramaboa, T (Thando) U16 1317.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1358.1 1273.1 17 17
21 1760134202 September, L (Lincohn) Adult 1289.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1468.0 1638.0 20 5
22 2060097779 September, M (Mckenzie) U20 1475.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1449.5 1704.5 7 2
23 108068833 Sera, G (Galaletsang) U18 1475.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 4 2.5 62.5 106.3 1458.2 1564.4 8 4
24 1140134502 Van Zyl, A (Albertus Petrus) U12 1586.9 Dr Kenneth Kaunda (NWP) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1306.3 1221.3 1 18
#Chess SA idArbiterRegionTitleStatus
1 2850301984 Myburgh, J (Jacqui) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Chief Arbiter
2 1760134202 September, L (Lincohn) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Deputy Chief Arbiter
11100117896Myburgh, Z (Zandre) 1483.05.0B+17W+12B+4W+2B+5
22060097779September, M (Mckenzie) 1475.84.0W+20B+9W+7B-1W+11
31110131242Changara, A (Adiel Tavonga) 1451.74.0W-6B+20W+10B+13W+8
4108068833Sera, G (Galaletsang) 1475.42.5F+22B+8W-1B=7W+14
51760134202September, L (Lincohn) 1289.43.5B=11W+18B+16W+6W-1
61040143720Bunya, J (Jeff) 1232.83.0B+3W=11W+13B-5W=7
71130131230Changara, A (Alvis Tafadzwa) 1542.73.0B+15W+19B-2W=4B=6
81130131229Changara, A (Alvern Takura) 1554.73.0B+23W-4B+15W+19B-3
92120136396Monamatha, D (Diteboho) 1437.43.0B+18W-2B-11W+17B+19
101740310877John, C (Costa) 1221.23.0W-12W+17B-3B+24W+18
111140144042Motau, N (Neelo) 1483.22.5W=5B=6W+9B=14B-2
121120144242Matima, T (Tshimologo) 1448.22.5B+10B-1W-14W+16B=15
13108087734Mostert, GS (Gideon) 1456.82.5B+14W=16B-6W-3B+23
141840115397Mungal, S (Shane) 1252.32.5W-13B+24B+12W=11B-4
15107086443Felix, H (Harrison) 1333.12.5W-7B+21W-8B+22W=12
161090131247Changara, A (Adrian Tafara) 1554.02.5W+24B=13W-5B-12W+22
171100136765Ramaboa, T (Thando) 1317.02.0W-1B-10W+24B-9W+21
181140134502Van Zyl, A (Albertus Petrus) 1586.92.0W-9B-5W+20B+21B-10
192140149175Boshoff, M (Milah) 1465.82.0W+21B-7W+22B-8W-9
201120111297Obrien, P (Patrick) 1301.11.0B-2W-3B-18W-23W+24
211760115395Felix, A (Antonysamy) 1282.51.0B-19W-15B+23W-18B-17
221760162286Iman, S (Steven) 1296.01.0F-4W+23B-19W-15B-16
231120117881Potgieter, R (Reinhardt) 1403.61.0W-8B-22W-21B+20W-13
242110136768Monare, O (Oratilwe) 1366.20.0B-16W-14B-17W-10B-20