
Chess South Africa Ratings Database

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Tournament information

Tournament id: 20250299
Group id: 20250296
Tournament: Bojanala's Battle In The Kloof 2025
Section: Queens
Format: Swiss
Rating: Standard
Rounds: 5
Start: 2025/02/15
Ended: 2025/02/15
Received: 2025/02/16
Rated: 2025/02/16
Submitted by: Jacqui Myburgh
Host: Bojanala Platina (NBR)
Chief Arbiter: Jacqui Myburgh
Chief Organiser: Bojanala Chess Federation
Location: Kloofview Primary School, Rustenburg
International event: No
FIDE rated: No
Time control: 55:55+5s
Total time: 60 minutes
Weight: 0.83
Players on file: 23
Players playing: 22
Average rating (Main): 1419.7
Average rating (Standard): 1423.1
Rated: Yes (OK)
Tournament file: RSA_Export_NBR_Battle In The Kloof 2025_QUEENS_202502151923
Rating progress: Processed
Offical results: Official results
#Chess SA idNameAgeGTitleRatingRegionGmsScr%DpAorPratRankPos
1 1060148714 Booyens, D (Derick) U20 1226.2 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1381.6 1296.6 15 14
2 1110136394 Botha, J (Johannes Cornelis) U16 1575.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 1.5 30.0 -170.0 1218.4 1048.4 8 17
3 109083250 Byliefeldt, L (Leroux) U18 1690.7 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1537.3 1707.3 4 6
4 1100144057 Dikane, O (Oageng) U16 1784.6 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1619.2 1704.2 2 7
5 2110141710 Dikolomela, T (Tlhogi) U16 1490.3 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1516.4 1686.4 9 4
6 1000315145 James, D (Dillon) Adult 1200.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 1.5 30.0 -170.0 1282.3 1112.3 17 19
7 106068686 Makalela, P (Phenyo) U20 1196.7 Dr Kenneth Kaunda (NWP) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1573.5 1658.5 20 8
8 102086175 Mokone, O (Oratile) Adult 667.9 Chess South Africa (CSA) 5 1.5 30.0 -170.0 1398.8 1228.8 23 18
9 1790140016 Monamatha, M (Moeketsi) Adult 1407.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1238.6 983.6 11 21
10 1810147331 Monare, L (Lekgila David) Adult 1343.6 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1483.9 1398.9 13 15
11 1050131260 Motshegare, N (Neo) Adult 1420.1 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1432.6 1517.6 10 10
12 1050136389 Murwira, D (Denzel) Adult 1377.1 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1509.1 1509.1 12 11
13 1100117896 Myburgh, Z (Zandre) U16 1687.9 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1512.7 1767.7 5 2
14 2060312425 Nel, E (Estè) U20 1177.7 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1451.3 1366.3 21 16
15 1040314042 Pitoro, T (Tebelelo) Adult 1199.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1327.4 1072.4 19 20
16 1140160060 Pretorius, S (Sarel) U12 1600.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1413.1 1583.1 6 3
17 1050136666 Rampou, O (Oratile) Adult 1583.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1447.5 1447.5 7 12
18 1750301611 Raputsoa, P (Preciousstone) Adult 1131.8 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22 23
19 1080160009 Retief, M (Matthew) U18 1711.4 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.5 70.0 170.0 1600.1 1770.1 3 5
20 107092639 Simpson, M (Michael) U20 FM 2164.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 5.0 100.0 425.0 1534.0 1959.0 1 1
21 1070315146 Smith, J (Johan) U20 1200.0 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 0.0 0.0 -425.0 1135.2 710.2 18 22
22 1970314043 Van Der Westhuizen, J (Johan) Adult 1210.5 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1116.2 1116.2 16 13
23 199075119 Vlok, A (Armand) Adult 1316.2 Bojanala Platina (NBR) 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1502.9 1587.9 14 9
#Chess SA idArbiterRegionTitleStatus
1 2850301984 Myburgh, J (Jacqui) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Chief Arbiter
2 2770301983 Kruger, J (Jeanette) Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Deputy Chief Arbiter
3 2810314005 Murray, JE (Johanna Elizabeth) Bojanala Platina (NBR) CPA Arbiter
1107092639Simpson, M (Michael)FM2164.55.0B+11W+3B+5W+7B+8
21100117896Myburgh, Z (Zandre) 1687.94.0W+16B+10W-6W+4B+7
31140160060Pretorius, S (Sarel) 1600.43.5W+18B-1W+14B+9W=6
42110141710Dikolomela, T (Tlhogi) 1490.33.5W+20B=6W+12B-2W+10
51080160009Retief, M (Matthew) 1711.43.5W+14B+17W-1B=6W+15
6109083250Byliefeldt, L (Leroux) 1690.73.5B+8W=4B+2W=5B=3
71100144057Dikane, O (Oageng) 1784.63.0W+15B+12W+9B-1W-2
8106068686Makalela, P (Phenyo) 1196.73.0W-6B+13W+17B+14W-1
9199075119Vlok, A (Armand) 1316.23.0W+13B+15B-7W-3W+17
101050131260Motshegare, N (Neo) 1420.13.0B+22W-2B+21W+11B-4
111050136389Murwira, D (Denzel) 1377.12.5W-1B+20W+16B-10W=12
121050136666Rampou, O (Oratile) 1583.82.5B+21W-7B-4W+16B=11
131970314043Van Der Westhuizen, J (Johan) 1210.52.5B-9W-8B=19W+22B+18
141060148714Booyens, D (Derick) 1226.22.0B-5W+19B-3W-8B+20
151810147331Monare, L (Lekgila David) 1343.62.0B-7W-9B+20W+21B-5
162060312425Nel, E (Estè) 1177.72.0B-2W+22B-11B-12W+21
171110136394Botha, J (Johannes Cornelis) 1575.51.5B+19W-5B-8W=18B-9
18102086175Mokone, O (Oratile) 667.91.5B-3W-21B+22B=17W-13
191000315145James, D (Dillon) 1200.01.5W-17B-14W=13W-20B+22
201040314042Pitoro, T (Tebelelo) 1199.51.0B-4W-11W-15B+19W-14
211790140016Monamatha, M (Moeketsi) 1407.81.0W-12B+18W-10B-15B-16
221070315146Smith, J (Johan) 1200.00.0W-10B-16W-18B-13W-19
231750301611Raputsoa, P (Preciousstone) 1131.80.0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX