Player Tournament Analysis

Nkabinde, L (Lwazi)
Dob: 2010/01/05 (U16)
Gender: Male
Chess SA id: 1100148730
FIDE id:
Region: Bojanala Platina (NBR)
Citizen: RSA
Tournament and Raing
Tournament Bojanala's Kings & Queens Rapid and Doubles 2024 (Open)
Tournament id 20242126
Rating type Rapid
Start 2024/08/10
End 2024/08/10
Rounds 7
Total time 15
Time weight 0.39
Total time Official results
Rating 1550.5
K-factor 36
Average opponent rating 1476.2
Performance 1536.9
Expected score 4.15
Score - Expected score -0.15
Rating change -2.1
Rating 1289.0
K-factor 40
Average opponent rating 1385.8
Performance 1446.5
Expected score 2.90
Score - Expected score 1.10
Rating change 44.0
Games 7
Score 4.0
% 57.1
Dp 60,7142857142857
Wins 4
Draws 0
Losses 3
Final position 19
Shared position 16
#DateOpponentFedMain RatingType RatingsColResMainWeTypeWeMain+/-Type+/-
7 2024/08/10 Turusida, T (Tshiamo) NBR 1276.4 1200.0 W 1 0.86 0.65 2.0 14.0
6 2024/08/10 Mashigo, O (Obakeng) GE 1547.6 1300.0 B 0 0.46 0.45 -6.5 -18.0
5 2024/08/10 Mokomele, A (Andrew) GE 1899.9 1866.4 W 0 0.14 0.01 -2.0 -0.4
4 2024/08/10 Breedt, J (Jaundré) NBR 1248.0 1244.4 W 1 0.89 0.59 1.5 16.4
3 2024/08/10 Teeke, K (Karabo) NBR 1939.7 1654.0 B 0 0.01 0.03 -0.1 -1.2
2 2024/08/10 Baiton, M (Marlene) NBR 1200.0 1200.0 W 1 0.95 0.65 0.7 14.0
1 2024/08/10 Botha, J (Johan) NBR 1221.6 1236.0 B 1 0.84 0.52 2.2 19.2