Tournament Information

Tournament id20221884
Group id20221882
TournamentBest of The West 2022 (Boys Open)
Rating typeRapid
Rated rounds1-2-3-4-5
Host regionWest Coast (WCU)
Chief ArbiterBasil Ellman
Chief OrganiserWest Coast (WCU)
Time control30/30
Total time30
Time weight0.60
Players on file16
Players playing16
Average rating (Main)1280.51
Average rating (Rapid)1282.13
Tournament fileRSA_Export_WCU_BOTWE_B_OPEN_20221122_0932
Official resultsOfficial results
1 1100142259 Adams, J (Jenito) WCU M 1206.3 1207.6 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1322.0 1338.1 1067.0 1083.1
2 1100105103 Collair, H (Houston) WCU M 1287.3 1334.9 4 1.0 25.0 -212.5 1371.3 1323.6 1158.8 1111.1
3 1060130313 Davids, C (Cleverton) WCU M 1212.2 1231.6 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1277.6 1270.7 1192.6 1185.7
4 1100147900 De Bruin, L (Lee Cale) WCU M 1200.0 1200.0 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1270.7 1311.5 1015.7 1056.5
5 1100116577 Hollenbaght, OJ (Owen James) WCU M 1250.5 1291.5 4 2.0 50.0 0.0 1212.9 1203.3 1212.9 1203.3
6 1100143090 Jagens, E (Elijah) WCU M 1181.8 1163.2 4 2.0 50.0 0.0 1202.1 1212.2 1202.1 1212.2
7 109093559 Kameel, L (Lindon) WCU M 1478.0 1460.4 5 4.0 80.0 255.0 1264.4 1264.9 1519.4 1519.9
8 1060096290 Kariem, S (Shakir) WCU M 1493.0 1375.9 5 4.5 90.0 340.0 1331.3 1344.8 1671.3 1684.8
9 108090548 Lewaks, S (Shaundre) WCU M 1495.7 1439.6 5 4.5 90.0 340.0 1342.1 1359.3 1682.1 1699.3
10 1090096312 Lu, DTX (Daniel Ting Xu) WCU M 1314.3 1258.1 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1227.0 1233.0 1312.0 1318.0
11 106090527 Ruiters, A (Arnold-James) WCU M 1093.4 1160.8 4 2.0 50.0 0.0 1343.4 1325.0 1343.4 1325.0
12 111090533 Ruiters, T (Thomlin) WCU M 1202.1 1241.1 4 2.0 50.0 0.0 1228.7 1215.1 1228.7 1215.1
13 1100147901 Seedeman, A (Aidan) WCU M 1200.0 1200.0 5 2.0 40.0 -85.0 1309.4 1318.9 1224.4 1233.9
14 1110139048 Siebritz, Y (Yul) WCU M 1239.5 1181.5 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1349.6 1323.5 1434.6 1408.5
15 1110131966 Tieties, B (Beauton) WCU M 1434.0 1567.9 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1319.0 1284.6 1404.0 1369.6
16 1110147902 Williams, J (Junior) WCU M 1200.0 1200.0 4 0.0 0.0 -425.0 1181.4 1203.9 756.4 778.9
1 168008675 Ellman, B (Basil) Male West Coast (WCU) PA Chief Arbiter