Tournament Information

Tournament id20241412
Group id20241412
TournamentBojanala Circuit Championship 2 of 4 2024 (U8)
Rating typeStandard
Rated rounds1-2-3-4-5
Host regionBojanala Platina (NBR)
Chief ArbiterLincohn September
Chief OrganiserBojanala Chess Federation
City/TownGenville High School, Rustenburg
Time control55:55+5sipm
Total time60
Time weight0.83
Players on file6
Players playing6
Average rating (Main)1190.65
Average rating (Standard)1188.78
Tournament fileRSA_Export_NBR_Bojanala Circuit Championship 2 of 4_U8_202406151943
Official resultsOfficial results
1 1170145156 Botha, E (Erasmus Albertus) NBR M 1159.2 1158.9 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1196.9 1194.8 1281.9 1279.8
2 1180300701 Dikane, L (Leano) NBR M 1299.1 1300.5 5 5.0 100.0 425.0 1169.0 1166.4 1594.0 1591.4
3 2170191456 Diphoko, P (Pelonomi) NBR F 1245.8 1264.7 5 3.0 60.0 85.0 1179.6 1173.6 1264.6 1258.6
4 1170300030 Gower, J (Juvan) NBR M 1052.6 1026.0 5 2.5 50.0 0.0 1218.3 1221.3 1218.3 1221.3
5 1170302156 Schoeler, AC (Adriaan Christopher) NBR M 1156.4 1147.4 5 0.5 10.0 -340.0 1197.5 1197.1 857.5 857.1
6 1170300027 Weidemann, K (Kean) NBR M 1230.8 1235.2 5 1.0 20.0 -255.0 1182.6 1179.5 927.6 924.5
1 1760134202 September, L (Lincohn) Male Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Chief Arbiter
2 2770301983 Kruger, J (Jeanette) Female Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Deputy Chief Arbiter
3 2850301984 Myburgh, J (Jacqui) Female Bojanala Platina (NBR) PA Arbiter